Monday, October 18, 2010

The day will come

Yes, the day will come when Zack will find his place in life and be the person that HE wants to be.  He will be a proud young man and do what is right for God and himself.  We are teaching him to put GOD first in his life.  It is hard but with time and patience he too shall learn.

How many times are we impatient for something to be "done", to be "fixed" and how many times have lost our patience because it wasn't done when "We thought it should be done"???  I ask you this question for you to think of the times that you lost your patience with your children, spouse, co worker, friend and yourself because things were not getting done in "your" time frame.  Think about that for a moment while I continue...

I am a stickler for being on-time.  I am most always early to work, I like being early to an event, I like to be on time to a doctor's appointment or something special.  I don't like being late.  Call it a phobia for me that being late is a crime.  Being late is the worst that can happen to my age you would think I would learn...I haven't yet.  You all may laugh but I am truly a stickler for being early, you can ask my family, they know me and what I expected when they were young and as they grew older.  "Be on time" was something I drilled into their brains!  I slowly learning that being on time is good but if I am late it is not a crime and the world will not stop turning because I am late.  I am working on it and will improve with time...I know I best hurry...I am not getting any younger!

This past 15 months has opened my eyes to exactly what I have expected of myself, Greg and my children.  Boy, was I wrong to expect too much but then not is a catch 22 that I have been caught up in for way too long.  Zack has taught (and still teaching) me a lot of things that I needed to rethink and to stop before I act upon my feelings.  It is hard for I have always been a person who speaks her mind and feels comfortable with the results.  How wrong I have been.  Zack again has shown me that I must say what I mean and mean what I say.  For instance, I want him to pick up his clothes, I must say exactly what I want him to do or he will do something entirely different.  Having a child with Autisum has shown me that all things are possible if you take the right steps and not to set a time frame or expect too little or too much of them. It is a long journey for both of us but I think the end result will be the best for him.  I look back at last year at this time and we were at our wits end.  Today his school report showed he did not use anger to solve a problem, he just walked away and kept his hands to himself.  For Zack that is a great milestone.  I must say also that Zack has only missed 2 days so far this school year, compared to 17 from last year.  He was sent home more times than he was in school for his aggressive behavior.  He has improved quite a bit but still has a long road ahead of him...but the right steps are there and he sees them.  Just learning to take the right steps is a challenge but I see him doing it!  I am proud of him and he has truly shown that with God all things are possible for at this time last year I was doubting if I was the best choice to raise him...I am happy that we hung in there and found the right people to help us has really improved him and me also!

Remember when I asked earlier in this blog if you get impatient when things are not done in YOUR time frame??  Try working with a child whose time frame is entirely different in his mind.  His insight to things are eye openers.  He shows me that I can't get impatient and expect him to complete it as I want it completed, I have to be more open to how he sees it being completed that I must wait it out and good things will come.  Do you do this with GOD and your prayers?  Do you pray expecting GOD to answer you and give you what you want?  Regardless of the prayer being answered as you wanted, how about the time frame?  Do you expect a quick response from GOD?  Most of us will say yes, but if we think like Zack does, time is not what is most important it is the quality of the prayer that is most important and waiting for it to be answered as GOD feels best it to be answered.  We are way too impatient and expect too much from GOD!!  Why not step back and say your prayer and wait for HIM to show you the answer.  It may not be as long as you think, especially if you trust in HIM and know that GOD will answer ALL prayers no matter how big or small they are, HE does answer them.  We are HIS children and He does not get impatient or upset with us because we do not do it in HIS time.  He is patient and kind and shows us every day that HE does work miracles everyday in our lives, we just have to be open enough to realize what HE has done and thank HIM for HIS good deeds in our lives.  Zack has made me realize how GOD has truly worked in his young life.  At 7 he has seen more than I have ever seen when it comes to anger, hatred, lies, drugs, booze and God only knows what else.  At 7 he is struggling to overcome his past and be a better person.  Every day that he has is a blessed one and I am so grateful that GOD gives me the strength to be one of the people guiding his young steps in life.  He truly is a blessing from GOD and I thank GOD everyday that he is a part of our lives.  I know one day he is going to grow up and move away but the time that I have with Zack right now will always have a special place in my heart.  He truly is an angel sent from heaven to show me one of GOD's miracles of life!

Thank you for taking the time to read this post, I pray that you are patient and kind with those who are in your life.  Take a moment and thank one person a day this week for something that they do special for you.  It could be a co worker who just shared a smile or your spouse unloading the washer, or one of your children taking out the trash, or God painting the trees the lovely colors of fall!  We are all truly blessed by God's many wonderful blessings in our lives!  God Bless you!

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